
Friday, March 8, 2013

Cut Down on Scripts

After hopping through a bunch of free sex sims, you rub your chin and think you still haven't had enough. Thinking to head to Gor to end your textfucking spree, you slip on your Gorean Meter, weapons and strut right over to your homestone, looking for the first slave to annoy. Until... Boom!

You get tossed out and slapped with this:

So instead of being denied your right to textfucking or whatever it is you claim to do in Second Life, cut down your scripts. This way, your SL as well as others', will be a little less laggier than before.

First, find out just how many scripts you're using and their memory usage.  If your viewer is Firestorm, right-click your avatar and on the Pie Menu, choose "Script Info." After doing so, your result should be spoken in Local Chat looking something like this:

[13:20] #Firestorm LSL Bridge v2.3: 'Jager Xeltentat' [221/227] running scripts. 8718Kb consumed for 0.403542ms of cpu time.

If you don't use Firestorm, here are free options to count your scripts and their memory usage.

Now that you know how heavy your scripts are, it's time to find the culprits. First, look at your interface and check out your HUDs. Consider your current activity and start detaching everything you don't need.

In this example, I'm looking to Score in a Gorean sim. So I don't need that Mysti Tool, that Griefer HUD or those other two sex HUDs. Hell, I don't think I need that Xcite HUD either.

Next, it's time to examine your attachments. If any of your attachments have a function, they are scripted. If you're unsure, right-click each one of them individually, go to the Contents Tab and look for scripts. Be sure to make a copy of the attachment before you go deleting scripts.

An easy way to check for scripted items is if you own land. Go to the menu at the top and choose World > Parcel Details and hit the Script Info button near the bottom. Then choose the Avatar tab. This is the quickest way to see what attachment is the heaviest.

If you don't own land but use the Firestorm viewer, rezz or drop the attachment. Right-Click the attachment. More > More > Scripts > Remove Scripts

This method will save you hours of selecting every single damned prim and deleting them manually.

Often times, the scripts you don't need in your attachments are:
  • Color changing scripts
  • Particles
  • Bling
  • Teleport Poofers
  • Texture changers 
  • Resizers
After you got your attachment to look how you desire, save a copy of it and remove the scripts. Resizer scripts in your hair or clothes usually let you touch them and choose the option of deleting them.

Another way to free up your scripts is to use your viewer's built-in AO. Since Firestorm is mainly mentioned here, you can find out how to set up your Firestorm AO here. Plus, I'm too lazy to write a better AO guide:

Once all the above is considered, take time to create your outfits and fix your scripts. Many venues, role-play sims and events are cracking down on scripts. Doing so will make your travels all throughout SL easier and you won't get me chasing you with a mace until you cut down.

The safe amount of scripts are under 50 scripts and 3 MB. However, this amount varies per sim.

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